In 2013, Eddie Perez took over a pregnancy center in San Antonio with the goal of seeing  every single pregnant women in crisis BEFORE they walked into an abortion facility. If he  was able to accomplish that, then 90% of those women would choose life according to the  statistics stated above. The abortion facilities would lose 90% of their abortion revenue  and would quickly shut down. 

This was a HUGE task seeing that the pregnancy center had only seen about 200 girls a  year and there were over 6,000 abortions occurring in San Antonio at the time. But Eddie  decided to use his extensive business background and found a way to market to these  pregnant women in need so that they would come to the pregnancy center first instead of  the abortion facility. He was able to increase the amount of girls seen from 200 women a  year to over 1,400 women a year. But Eddie was still not satisfied because too many girls  were still entering the abortion facilities.

One of those abortion facilities in San Antonio did about 1,000 abortions every year. They  did abortions where they would inject the baby with a saline solution that would burn the  baby from the inside out until they were dead. They also did surgical abortions where they  cut the spinal cord of the baby and then proceed to rip the baby’s body parts off of them  one by one where they would then sell those parts for profit. If you want to see what TRUE  evil looks like, go to google and search for a picture of an aborted baby. There is no greater  evil than that.  

Eddie continued to look for ways to see even more women who needed help and he found  a solution in a van. In 2017 Eddie decided to purchase a mobile pregnancy center van  which was equipped with the ability to offer free pregnancy test, free ultrasound, free  resources and free counseling to pregnant girls in need…and he rotated that van in between the abortion facilities in San Antonio.

The results of this strategy were unimaginable. In a little more than 2 years of operation of  our mobile ultrasound van, we were able to save over 800 babies from being aborted.  

And then we received the news that can only be explained as a miracle. That abortion  facility that did over a thousand abortions a year decided that they were losing too  much in abortion revenue because of our mobile ultrasound van. So they made the  financial decision to close their doors…permanently.  

So more great news was soon to follow. Through the sacrifices of so many incredible people, in June of 2020 we were able to purchase and move into a newly renovated building that was literally 50 feet away from a mega abortion facility. Because we are so close to that  facility where girls can see that our services are free, we have gone from seeing about 3-5  girls a day to up to 20 girls a day or 3,000 girls annually.  

In addition, we have renovated a rented building space next door to ANOTHER abortion facility in San Antonio. We are expecting to see an additional 1,000 women each and every year. This would get us over the 4,000 women in need that we are able to help annually. 

As you can see the vision of seeing the 4,000 women who seek an abortion to enter our pregnancy center first, is in fact coming to fruition.

Now that we know the strategy works, we want to implement it nationwide. If we can get a  mobile pregnancy center van in front of abortion facilities in The United States, we can dramatically reduce or end abortion in this country in a relatively short amount of time. Our model in San Antonio proves it. 

Unfortunately although our services are always free to these pregnant women in  need, the cost to purchase these mobile pregnancy center vans are not.  

The Cost to Purchase Each Mobile Pregnancy Center Van: $150k (discounted rate if ordered 8 vans at a time)